Tuesday, November 3, 2009

God is amazing.

i thought i'd just let you know. *wink* here's just a tiny bit of my proof from today:

}He gave me a great academic advisor - one who's willing to pull strings and make exceptions to get me the classes i need in the time frame in which i need them!

}He's making it possible for me to earn a four-year teaching degree in three years. (the end of this semester marks the halfway point of that process.) this has been the goal for the past year and a half, and today i held in my hands a plan to complete the next three semesters. seeing that reality - and having all the requirements fall into place - made it seem, well, real (yes, i know that's redundant).

}and just as an extra bonus...He "work[ed] all things together for good" so that i only have classes three days a week next semester! not only does it free my schedule, but it also cuts four hours of driving out of my week. i really have just two full days of school plus one evening class - so that gives me virtually three "free" weekdays.

needless to say, i'm pretty psyched. and amazed.

God's good like that.

1 comment:

  1. "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    His mercies never come to an end;
    they are new every morning;
    great is Your faithfulness." Lam 3:22-23, ESV
